Bethan Evans

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I am a certified Shadow Work® coach, Alexander Technique teacher and workshop leader, working with individuals and groups since 2008.

For most of my life I believed I was broken and was looking for ‘the answer’ to make me ok.  My experiences over the last twenty-five years have convinced me that no-one is fundamentally broken and no-one needs fixing; that there is a wholeness to us all, even if it’s not visible from the outside, or to ourselves.  It has also given me the perspective to see how the biggest challenges and most difficult situations hold gifts, even when it takes time to find them.  My approach is to empower, encourage, support & add options to help you expand your self-knowledge, self-acceptance and the options available to you.

I have always known for myself the healing power of being outdoors, back in the original connection of inner nature with outer Nature, so it’s exciting to be involved with Rite to Freedom, where this is acknowledged and fostered.